Some years back, an event stunned astronomers as they witnessed for the briefest of moments that the Universe stood still. Just a fraction of second that wouldn't be caught by human senses but only by the most advanced equipment. To this day that brief phenomenon remains a mystery.

Curiously though, at the same exact moment a Unicorn met a Dragon. Two seemingly opposed mythical creatures that, against all odds struck up a conversation. The Unicorn was immediately trapped in the Dragon's aura letting it's own energy mingle with the one from the Dragon. An exchange that would radically alter both forever.
Kasha and Joel met and fell in love, stood up to adversity and conquered many obstacles in their path. There were tears and doubts as there always are when such different forces meet but they were bound by love and that love always managed not only to endure but to grow.
Three years ago they became a wedded couple in Second Life and since then they have strengthened their relationship every day. They welcomed children and met in that other world thought to be real. They met and met and met as if there was not enough time for them to be together and being apart was more and more a prison. Finally Joel took that daring step and joined her in both worlds.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, the lovers gathered their large family and closest friends to witness the renewal of their vows in love. In the magical gardens of the You Made Me Believe in Magic venue, Kasha walked down the aisle again, this time by the arm of Mannan Darkmatter and joined her Unicorn under the smiling gaze of their officiant, Ela Pendragon, who with all the love in her heart performed the ancient rites to an overjoyed crowd. Blessings were asked of the elements and the couples hands were once again bound by the sacred chords. The couple shared their deeply intimate vows, that brought tears to the eyes of not only them and rejoiced when jumping over the traditional broom that signaled their renewed union as husband and wife.
Soon after, the loving couple joined the guests at the reception where, they both delighted everyone DJing a wonderful set. There was dancing and happiness floated in the air like a scent of spring flowers.
This magnificent day was recorded for posterity with the unrivaled art of Jackson Redstar as videographer and the magic of Kulaan and Ryanna Dragon as photographers.
BlueMoon Weddings and Event Planning is overjoyed to announce the vow renewal by way of handfasting of Kasha and Joel Pendragon held on April 11th, 2024, exactly three years after their wedding.
We suspect that once again, astronomical observatory clocks will have to be reset again. ♥